Austin Stoton prosecuted MC, a former British Soldier, convicted at the Central Criminal Court (Old Bailey), for the...
In May 2024, at the conclusion of a 4-day trial at Inner London Crown Court, the jury convicted IT who was charged with...
Quentin Hunt was instructed by Capita PLC on a direct public access basis to defend a private prosecution of one of...
David Patience prosecuted 5 defendants, all convicted of various offences relating to the importation and supply of...
Tracy Ayling KC and Alex Stein, instructed by Andrew Young at the CPS Complex Case Unit, prosecuted the double murder...
Allan Compton KC, leading Andrew McGee, acted for the prosecution in a re-trial of Michael Hall, the Managing Director...
Chambers is proud to announce that Jess Ward and Natalie Bird have been promoted to CPS General Crime Level 3...
Quentin Hunt and Rhys Rosser have successfully undertaken the private prosecution of a Defendant for harassment and...
Jim Sturman QC (instructed by Stephen Sampson of Squire Patton Boggs) acted for 5 players from Rangers FC who pleaded...