Tomas McGarvey, led by Maria Karaiskos KC, successfully represented one of 7 teenagers accused of murder, attempted...
At the conclusion of the prosecution case, Tomas McGarvey’s client was acquitted on all counts following a successful...
Tomas McGarvey’s client was unanimously acquitted following a 6-day trial at Inner London Crown Court. Tomas’s...
Anand Beharrylal KC leading Tomas McGarvey instructed by City Law Chambers successfully represented a defendant mother...
Chambers would like to congratulate Tomas McGarvey on his recent election to the role of Treasurer of the London Irish...
Tomas McGarvey, instructed by Aysha Moore of Paul Robinson Solicitors, represented a defendant charged with blackmail....
Tomas McGarvey, instructed by David Nicholson and Aimee Robinson at Dobsons Solicitors, secured unanimous acquittals at...
Tomas McGarvey, instructed by Nicola Hall of Tuckers Solicitors, acted for R who faced six charges of rape, two charges...
Tomas McGarvey, instructed by Shakil Shah of Woolfe and Co, represented D before the Luton Crown Court. D was...