Following a six week trial, Jacqueline Carey, leading Vedrana Pehar, secured the acquittal of the second defendant accused of money laundering. The case was a private prosecution brought by a multi-million pound company who employed the first defendant as a financial controller. At the conclusion of the trial, the first defendant was found guilty of a decade long fraud valued at just under £2 million. The first defendant transferred significant sums of money directly from the companies to the second defendant, his wife, which the Crown alleged was used to fund an extravagant lifestyle. The case involved complex financial transactions and arrangements designed to conceal the fraud as well as extensive prosecution evidence purporting to show that the second defendant hid her lavish spending.
Jacqueline Carey and Vedrana Pehar were instructed by Matthew Frankland at Byrne and Partners.
For further information, please see BBC News.
Cases | 17 Oct 18
Jacqueline Carey KC
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